Rapid Mobile Caddy Unit
in StockRapid Mobile Caddy Unit
Rapidline Mobile Caddy Unit - With Tambour Door
570mm H x 1050mm W x 460mm D - 2 Personal Drawers -1 File Drawer
Ball Bearing Runners - Master Key Locking Series - China White or Black Only - 10 Year Warranty
Shipped boxed. Minor assembly required. If you would like your order assembled please talk to our team on 1800 329 000.
Usually leaves our warehouse in 2-3 business days.
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Shipping & Returns
We can ship to most addresses in Australia except PO boxes. Our delivery time is usually between 5 to 25 days and it varies depending on the items ordered and shipping address.
Our return policy is straightforward, If a manufacturing fault is present, You can notify us in writing(detailed description with photos) via email at support@furnitureatwork.com.au within 3 business days of your receipt of your product and Hammond and Grange will gladly replace or fix the item(s).
We do not accept returns for delays in product lead times, delays in shipping, or delays in supply of your order caused by any reason.
Our customers love the value and convenience we offer.